About Us


Moviola is an independent film production company based in Prague. It was established to produce feature films and documentaries with important social issues, to draw attention to these topics and to open up discussion in society. One of the goals is also to enrich local cinema with stories with a deep impact that will have the opportunity to represent Czech audiovisual art abroad.

Lukáš Procházka

Lukáš Procházka is the founder and producer of the company. He graduated from the high film school in Zlín. He then joined FAMU, where he is currently studying at the Department of Producing. During his studies he made several short films that were screened at many film festivals. He has also worked as a production assistant on several feature films.

In 2023, he was the executive director of the 39th FAMUFEST, a film festival organized by FAMU students. Other festivals he has worked on include Ji.hlava IDFF, Zlín Film Festival and One World. Besides producing films and working at film festivals, he is a year-round administrator of Scandinavian Cinema and Awards at the Czech-Slovak Film Database.

Anna Horáková

Anna Horáková is the line producer of the company. She graduated from the secondary economic lyceum in Prague. Then she started her studies at FAMU, where she is currently studying at the Department of Producing. During her studies she produced several short films. She is also involved in film production outside FAMU, for example, she collaborated with director Emilia Diatta on films Clepsydra and Cléo&Léo. In 2024 she was the executive director of the 40th FAMUFEST, a film festival organized by FAMU students.